One of my greatest pleasures is my herb garden-- tending it, gathering the scented herbs from it, and just sitting and absorbing it. This old bike welcomes you at one of the entrances. Later little pink fairy roses and yellow jasmine will entwine and cloak it. For now its a lovely sculpture in itself.
The herb garden boasts it's own little family of chipmunks--Merlin and Alchemy are the parents, Treasure and Nugget are the babies or at least they were babies last year. The herb garden is the location of one of the little tenant houses from the Poor Farm Past. Gentle spirits must help because everything planted in it thrives. I can't wait for you to see it in all it's glory. I truly believe it is a healing atmosphere--perhaps because of the medicinal herbs planted.
You definately have the neatest herb garden of all! It is beautiful even in the winter. Mine has gone to the weeds and I plan on moving the plants that have survived to a new location closer to the house. Love, Mary