Monday, March 25, 2013

Signs of Spring coming--the Cedar Waxwings and the Goldfinches

I had never seen a Cedar Waxwing before until several years ago. Well, in bird books but not up close and personal. They came suddenly and covered a dogwood tree that was covered with red berries. They have masks and look like gray/brown cardinals masquerading as The Lone Ranger. In just minutes they lifted off and the tree was completely empty of berries. They then landed on the Holly tree, also covered in berries. Same thing. Amazing. This year they have settled in my Chinaberry tree and I appreciate it because those little dickens sprout up everywhere. Maybe I will have a few less to pull up and/or transplant for friends.
The Goldfinches come through early, they haven't even changed color completely. They are still army drab, it will be a bit before they turn that indescribable brilliant yellow. Still they brighten my day.

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